

Star Castle Spotlights are biweekly artist spotlights that feature one of the many artists/makers that inspire the Star Castle community.

ERAartsShop artist spotlight illustration drawing painting

This month, I’m so excited to share Elena’s work from ERAartsShop with you! Elena creates beautiful miniature paintings on wood, along with many other one-of-a-kind pieces. One of the things I personally love about her work is the seamless combination of ethereal vibes and familiar realism.

To me, her scenes almost appear realistic, but have this added sense of magic, personality and energy infused somehow that takes the familiar scene to a whole new level. She describes her art style as realistic, detailed, and naturalistic, and I would agree, but I’d definitely also mention an undeniable sense of magic, awe and inspiration to that description!

Every scene feels very homey, cozy and familiar in a way. It’s also so beautiful that she uses an organic slice of wood as the backdrop for her mini paintings. This natural canvas provides just another element to her already impressive aesthetic. 👌🏻

Enjoy this peek behind the scenes into her process, journey, and inspiration. I hope it inspires you to explore your own creative passion!

You can check out more of Elena’s work in her Etsy Shop and on Instagram.


Let’s dive right in:

What is your artistic passion & how did you first discover your love for it? 

I first started drawing a few years ago, but I didn't draw much before that. I still don't know why, but one day I just decided to try and draw a photograph I liked with just an ordinary pencil. It came out way better than what I expected, and I just fell in love with the whole process! There is something soothing, almost therapeutic about it! Ever since I first tried drawing I have been completely obsessed with it!

What would 'success' look like to you with this passion of yours?

I would really love to become a full-time artist! As I am diving deeper into this world of art, I just seem to love it more and more every day. I’m getting my master degree now that isn't connected with art in any way. Although I'm not going to dump it, I really do hope for my career to be connected with art!

fine artist painting spotlight

What are 3 words you'd use to describe your unique art style?

Realistic, detailed, naturalistic.

Fine artist spotlight painter
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How do you know when a piece is ‘done’?

I don't think I ever really know when the piece is finished because it always feels like I could be improving every single one forever!! :) But I guess I learned to recognize a moment when I don't really achieve anything new and maybe even harm the end result if I continue. That’s when it really is better to just stop!

TELL US ABOUT the studio / space you've created to work in and how that impacts your process & final product.

I don't have any special studio and mostly work from home. The most important thing about my workspace for me is keeping everything clean and neat. I noticed that when the space around me is messy, I find it much harder to concentrate on my work. And as an artist, there are so many different things to keep up with. So I use a LOT of various boxes and organizers! :)


Inspiring Others

What’s been your biggest struggle to getting where you want to be creatively & how did you overcome it?

I would say that my biggest struggle has probably been my mindset. Before I tried drawing, I was always so sure that I couldn't do it! I think I always liked art, but it had never even crossed my mind to try drawing myself, because I used to think that you had to at least study at an art school to be able to draw! :)

advice / tips for PEOPLE looking to pursue their own creative passion?

I would advise not to be afraid of trying new things, you never know which interests and talents you might find in yourself! I think we all have so many presumptions about things we have never even tried, and it really gets in a way of finding what we really love and want to be doing in life!


“Even if something seems impossible don't be afraid to try it. You don't lose anything, but you could get so much more from it than what you have ever expected! I definitely did!”



Follow along on Instagram: @e.r.a.arts
She’s always posting amazing process videos and inspiring new work!

Browse her online shop & buy yourself a one-of-a-kind piece!


It’s time to get an expert designer on your team!
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I know you have your own artistic passion that you’re ready to take to the next level.
Let’s work together to build a unique brand you can be proud of.

Schedule a time to chat with your new design sidekick (me!) — tomorrow you’ll wish you had started today!


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