4 Reasons Why every artist needs a website


When you first started out, an Etsy shop, Facebook Page, or Instagram profile may have cut it for getting your art out in front of a small audience. But these sites should enhance your online presence, not be the main online hub for your art.

You are an incredibly talented artist, with so much beauty to share with the world, and all that talent deserves a professional online presence. That starts with a website. Don’t believe me? Here are 4 reasons why you absolutely MUST have a website as an artist.

1. Boundless Gallery

A website helps you to increase your reach, and be found by people who admire your art all over the world. Don’t limit yourself to your town, state, or even country! A website allows your work to be seen across the globe, with no red tape or gallery fees. Your website is essentially a 24 hour online exhibition showcasing your work. You can use your website to create a similar feeling and experience for site visitors that you would ideally like to provide in a physical space — with your work as the star.

Every artist needs a website

2. Position yourself as a professional artist

A well designed website proves that you take your work seriously. Whether you’re a full time artist or simply creating in your spare time, a website is a great way to present your work to the world. Having a website provides substantial credibility to your craft, and helps your potential customers respect your work. (And be willing to pay more for it!) Step away from the newbie hobbyist persona and establish yourself as a professional artist with a professional website, ready to be paid for your work.

3. Establish Connections & Make Sales

Having a website dedicated to you & your work provides you with a space to share your unique story, craft and inspiration. Including portraits of you — the artist — adds yet another layer of potential connection. Seeing and learning about the artist behind the work builds that extra know, like and trust factor which will encourage viewers of your work to become avid followers — eagerly waiting to see your next piece.

Why every artist needs a website

In addition to bringing in paying collectors, your custom website can help attract potential collaborations, exhibition opportunities and more. You’re putting a face to your art and transforming your craft into a tangible touchpoint for potential connections. It will also help you make a better first impression when you make in-person connections. Having a website to point potential collaborators to (rather than your instagram or Etsy shop) makes you look like a pro, and will help you build those connections faster!

4. Stay relevant

People can’t know what you don’t share.

If you’re not actively sharing your work and posting updates and new work, people may think you’ve stopped creating. When you’re not regularly putting out new content, it’s easy for people to forget about you. (They are busy, and there are a lot of artists out there, after all) They may not reach out to purchase a piece, collaborate or connect simply because they’re not sure if you’re still interested.

While your main focus doesn’t need to be to keep followers and fans entertained, there should be some way for people to know you are still creating and working to better your craft. Having someplace to post these updates that is YOURS (not controlled by Mark Zuckerburg or anyone else) allows for your work to have a forever home online.

As an added bonus, consistently adding content to your professional website (through blog posts with updates about your work, or details about upcoming shows/exhibitions, etc.) will organically boost your SEO. That’s search engine optimization, which means Google will be happy, and make it more likely for people to find you and learn about your work!! Capitalize on this opportunity by involving people on your artistic journey on a consistent, engaging, personal online home.

Having a website means giving your artwork the beautiful online home it deserves. It helps others see you as a professional, and see your art as more than a passion project, but something to be taken seriously!

Every artist needs a website

Ready to get yours?!

I love helping artists create their totally custom, branded & beautiful online home! Outgrown the oversaturated selling platforms, like Etsy or Creative Market, and eager to make an impact with your art? Let’s work together to get your work looking (and selling) great online!