Using Crystals to Boost Your Business

Star Castle Studio provides artful entrepreneurs and makers with tips and custom-created visuals needed to beautifully run a professionally branded business and make an unforgettable impression online.

Crystal Clear Success

Everyone knows that crystals can make a beautiful edition to your space, but did you know you can use them to actually enhance and empower your business’s journey? Specific crystals can assist you in business, so you can show up fully and deliver your absolute best work to your clients/customers.

If you’re new to crystals, or have previously only seen them as pretty decor, here are some ways to get them really working for you.

4 ways to use crystals in your business:

using crystals in business

1) Meditate with your crystals

Use the crystals to center yourself while keeping your business and goals in mind in order to help center yourself and your energy.

  • Sit with your hands placed gently on your knees with your palms up.

  • Hold your crystal in your left hand, with the point (if it has one) pointed towards you. The left hand represents receiving and since you are looking for guidance from your crystal, this clockwise flow will help energy move freely.

  • Breathe in and imagine a wave of energy coming out of the crystal, up your arm and into your mind. Tuning into its essence, while essentially downloading whatever information / knowledge it has for you in this moment.

  • Sit for as long as feels comfortable, and acknowledge any thoughts or feelings that come up without judgement.

  • When you’re finished, write down a few notes on what surfaced. This can include anything: visions, colors, feelings, etc. Be sure to include the date and name of the crystal (if you know it). Over time, you can build your own reference guide on which crystals help you with specific things, as it may differ from the collective.

2) Pick a crystal per project

This can be an inspiring process that can help channel different and unique energies for each unique individual you work with. For example, I choose a crystal for each new Bite-Sized Branding client and keep it close to me throughout the project. It stays with me on our calls, soaking up all the inspiration we chat about, and then keeps me company while I work, exuding all the inspiration into the designs I create. 

Think of it as a tuning fork for your creativity that allows you to easily tap into the unique energy & vision that you & your client have for the project deliverables. Having a project specific crystal can be a great way to quickly reconnect to the original intention and what you’re hoping to create.

3) Pick a daily crystal based on the day’s workload

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by time crunch projects or by the amount of projects on your plate. Picking a unique crystal based on what you specifically need that day can help amplify your intention and optimize your day. Specific crystals can balance your stress, help you stay focused, encourage positivity, and/or tap into your creative process more efficiently – the possibilites are endless. Or simple look at your options and choose a crystal that calls for you that day. Your intuition knows exactly what you need, whether you know the properties of that crystal or not.

4) Clear & optimize your workspace

A stale workspace can stunt your workflow. Specific crystals can be great for removing negative energy, creative blocks, and more. Especially if you’re working with other individuals and/or tapping into their energies (readings, channeling, etc), it’s important to clear your space and detach from any unwanted ‘baggage’.

Be sure to cleanse your crystals regularly.

Think of this as recharging the batteries, or rather resetting the energies, of your crystals. You can sage them, put under the light of the full moon, place them on a selenite plate, use a sound bowl to awaken them, or soak them in water. I typically choose to sage my crystals or use my sound bowl to help them reactivate, since not all crystals can be submerged in water. 

Not sure on what crystals to use or where to start? 

Great Crystals to Help With Work Productivity, Creativity, and More

selenite crystal healing


Selenite is known as a universe clearer. It’s an excellent stone for meditation or spiritual work as it encourages tranquility and calmness. It clears unwanted energy and can assist you gain unbiased insight. It helps clear confusion and aids in helping you see the bigger picture. A selenite wand is a great tool to keep in your office! Slowly wave it around your workspace, over your computer, or around your head to quickly clear away distractions, negative energy or anything else that may be unwelcome in your space.

fluorite crystal healing


Fluorite can be used to improve self-confidence and can help you in making difficult decisions. It also helps increase and prolong focus, strengthening your concentration. It is an excellent focusing tool for removing ‘fog’ from your head, allowing you to think clearly. It has no official color to it, though it can be found in shades of purple, green, lilac, golden-yellow, blue, pink and brown. My favorite fluorite towers are green and purple!

tigers eye crystal healing

Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye functions as a powerful protection stone, clearing the body of negative energies while simultaneously banishing self-doubt. Fear of failure can be easier to tackle with some Tigers Eye at your fingertips. It can be a super empowering tool for entrepreneurs to fearlessly stand in their unique power.



Sunstone is commonly found in shades of red, orange, pink and brown. This crystal in a mighty helper. It assists with staying on task and removing distractions. It’s also great for vitality, raising intuition and enhancing your thought process. This one operates like a focusing laser. Sunstone also encourages positivity and helps clear the mind so that your energy is unhindered by stressful thoughts (much needed for a busy business owner!)

pyrite crystal healing


Pyrite, also known also as Fool’s Gold, has a similar appearance to gold and is commonly known to attract wealth and prosperity. It also can help clear out bad energy and funnel positive energy into the room it is in. Perfect for a starting business! Be sure to place some of this money magnet in your workspace! 

I hope this helps you on your business path!

Do you use crystals in your business?

If not, give it a shot! Even if you have some doubts about the power of crystals, consider this: there’s no harm in potentially giving your business the chance at an energetic nudge. If nothing else, you can be sure they’ll beautify your workspace!

If you do use crystals in your office, home or workspace, send me a message on instagram, telling me all about your favorites! I’m always looking for new crystals to try out. Any excuse to buy more crystals is a good one!